Klaus Schuffler CV
Born: 1949
Nationality: Swedish
Language compet: Swedish, English and German
Civil status: Married, two children, born 1980 and 1986
Bachelor of Science & Economic, several bank specific educations, management and TQM.
Chief bank accountant, Treasury manager, Project leader, Fleet Sales and General Manager for several small companies (< 100 employees.)
Driving licence: A, BE, C
Turned outwards, the prime mover, goal resulted and quality oriented.
Practise a profession in a analytic and conception thinking way.
Working for human relationship and acting as a team management builder. Acts as a marketing oriented controller. List of qualifications within management operations, organisation & business development, establish and develop
Treasury function (export financing, Cash & Risk Management
Accounts- & payable receivables, Credit and currency policy ).
Goal- and customer oriented, act together with the team to reach the joint established resolution and strategy.
Several years experience of leadership and developing people, and to establish an team management group.
Other areas:
Considerable good contacts within Sweden as international.
Likes to work and force projects within the organisation, finance and human resource field
As consultant often used by setting up and establishing new companies to get them running on "the right track".
Normally no fixed working time, the goal gets the power which is needed.
Like to have fun together to reach the goal.
Always open for consultancy work ore as employment. Leisure time
Chairman for Lerums Tennisklubb, GM for Lerums Tennis AB
Like to play tennis when time is enough.
Engaged in different local organizational activities.
Team Management Profile
(According to the Kontura Gruppen, Sweden , test done 1995) Dominant roles:
Review/judging and development oriented Closely allied roles:
Prompter and organiser
Complete and producer Principally preference areas:
Exploration, organising and examination "Prompter and organiser likes to test/examine new ideas and arrangements.
Peculiarly interested these persons are, in how to carry out and handle a new idea
in reality. Therefore these persons are important to have in a team. They are
often good in evaluating new project or a new tasks."
"Those who have this profile do not like status quo"
"Your talent to easy get to speak with people, in combination with your ideas
and your attention on organisation questions makes you convenient in the leadership
Professional experience 1997 -
Ongoing responsible for German Business Center, Gothenburg, www.germanbusiness.se
2004 - 2009 Responsible for the German-Swedish Chamber of commerce, West coast, Sweden
Consultant and owner of KS Consulting AB.
Working as consultant for management and organisation matters. Several Cash and Risk Management projects has been done.
Business development and General Manager for Hagabadet in Gothenburg (10 month.).
Professional experience before 1997
Extensive business Controller and
cost-benefit analysis for the different departments. Management. 1995 - 1996-12
Aria responsible for Fleet sales, Volvo Car Corporation
(D,CH,A,F,N) Developing and business planning for each market and cost -benefit analysis for special vehicles.
Project leader for Major Accounts soft offer. (membership cards, service offer, finance offer etc.). 1992 - 1994-12
Treasury Manager, Volvo Car International AB
Responsibility for the Credit- and Currency Policy. Risk Management and export financing. Management &
Deputy Finance Manager. 1990 - 1991-12
Treasury Manager, Volvo Parts AB
Accounts receivable and accounts payables, Currency policy etc.
Manager for 45 persons. 1985 - 1989-12
Bank experience within accounting, finance and balancing of the books, foreign department and special accounting project. 1970 - 1985-08
Knowledge of a trade Banks:
Finance, auditing, foreign and special accounting project.
Car business:
Production, sales, business development, treasury and finance
Service occupation:
Restaurant, prophylaxis and health care business
CM studies, General Manager, Business development plan
Scania, Previa, Vattenfall, BURE, Stena Metall, SEAT, Barcelona, Viking Motors, Kiev, Kronans Droghandel, Aspen Petroleum, Räddningsmissionen etc dvanta
geKnowledge about the Volvo/Ford organisation.
Knowledge about the accounts and payable systems.
Knowledge about the federation of trade unions within the Volvo group.
Knowledge about the official and unofficial information network.
Easy to be accepted by the employees, team management profile.
Advanced competence in treasury and finance matters.
Knowledge about split up activities (1989 -1990)
Competence in project management
Excellent in human relationship, regardless if exit or developing people.
Strong wiliness to reach the goal.
Listen and act
Disadvantage Moves fast, other people have sometime problem to "jump on the train".
No limits in working time/day